Property Photography
Photos are the most important ingredient of a property listing (after price). Here I discuss how we can arrange our photos and create shots for our listing that enhance the appeal of our home for eye-catching and attention-grabbing imagery!
Photos are our home’s very first impression on buyers
This section will cover property photography from a marketing perspective, and not from a technical perspective, as the marketing aspect of one’s home is our one and only focus, and the technical aspects of property photography are beyond the scope of this guide.
Photos are undeniably the most important ingredient of a property listing (after price). Photos are our home’s very first impression on buyers, and so our job is to make it the best impression! After all, our home is competing with other properties on the market, so it’s always a good idea to put our very best foot forward!
Photos clearly provide a visual for buyers to know what a property looks like, in particular, its size, layout, design, and condition etc. After all, people prefer to have a visual when making any important buying decision - and a picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words!
Photos can create a visual narrative of the property, and especially well-crafted photos can attract tremendous interest, exciting buyers over the property, prompting further exploration and strong buyer engagement!
Photos of a property can be found on both the property’s summary listing and main listing.
Let’s consider each type of listing separately.
Summary listing / summary photos
The buyer’s search for their next home on any property portal (particularly Rightmove or Zoopla) will naturally begin with their search criteria. And if our home matches their criteria, then it will first appear to them in their search results as a summary listing, where the summary photos of our home will be shown. These very photos will be one of the first things the buyer sees of our home in their search results. This presents our first opportunity to encourage the buyer to want to click through the summary listing and take a closer look at our home on the main listing (and ultimately to want to book a viewing).
Naturally, when our home appears in the buyer’s search results, it will appear along with other properties that equally match their search criteria, and so our home will be competing for the buyer’s attention. In fact, our home will be competing against many other properties on the same screen and across multiple pages!
Summary photos quite literally provide buyers with a visual snapshot of the property. Our summary photos should aim to cut through and stand out from the crowd of competing properties in the search results. Essentially, we’d need to present eye-catching and attention-grabbing summary photos that are compelling for buyers to want to click through!
Visually striking and appealing photos are crucial, especially when competition is fierce and buyers’ time and/or attention are short. If our photos fail to grab buyers’ attention at a glance, those buyers can quickly turn their attention elsewhere!
But don’t buyers generally tend to view more than one property before deciding which one to buy?
In a previous section, I acknowledged that buyers generally tend to view more than one property before deciding which one to buy, but not all buyers get around to viewing all of the properties that they intend to view for one reason or another.
If our home is indeed on the buyer’s list of properties to view, along with other properties that they’re interested in, we shouldn’t take the chance of it being placed below those properties on that list, because the further down our home is on the list, the less likely the buyer will get around to viewing it.
Our job is to therefore give the buyer a reason to be excited about our home, in this case through visual narrative, compelling them to want to place it at the top (or near the top) of their list, where they are bound to come to view it before viewing the other properties on the list!
General tips and recommendations for summary photos
Leading with two different photos
We should make sure that the two leading photos showcasing our home in the summary listing are different. I am assuming that we are most likely to use the standard summary listing on Rightmove, where the portal allows for only two photos to be shown. Please note that we will be allowed to show more than two photos in the summary listing if we decide to upgrade to Rightmove’s Featured Property or Premium Listing.
Making our two leading photos different allows buyers a small variety in what they are able to see of our home at a glance. It allows us the opportunity to visually entice buyers to want to click through based on more than one feature of our home.
Here are some examples of summary listings.
We can see from the top listing that despite having 15 photos in its gallery, the two leading photos chosen as the summary photos are two very similar shots of the property’s front exterior. This summary listing is more or less relying on just the image of the front exterior to be enough to persuade buyers to click through. At a glance, buyers can only base their decision on just one image, and therefore just one feature of the property!
On the other hand, we can see from the second listing, that the two leading photos chosen as the summary photos are of the property’s front exterior and living room. At a glance, buyers are able to see a small variety in what the property offers, and so are able to base their decision to click through on more information, and therefore on more than one feature!
Simply put, the top listing is aiming to visually entice buyers to click through based on just one feature of the property, whereas the second listing is aiming to visually entice buyers to click through based on more than one feature. The second listing is therefore in a stronger competitive position for the buyers’ attention!
Showcasing two different photos maximises the visual appeal of our home, since as mentioned earlier, Rightmove allows for only two photos to be shown in the summary listing. If indeed we decide to upgrade to Rightmove’s Featured Property or Premium Listing, where 3-4 photos are allowed to be shown in the summary listing, then the same recommendation applies, in that those 3-4 photos should be different from one another.
Please note that this recommendation only applies to Rightmove, as Zoopla, for example, allows for only one photo in the summary listing.
Leading with the best photos
There are no rules to say that we must include a shot of the property’s front exterior as one of the summary photos - sometimes the best features of a property can be found elsewhere!
As an example, if the living room and garden are two of the best features that our home has to offer, then it’s a good idea to show them off as the summary photos!
We should aim to choose the leading photos that show off our home in its very best light. Summary photos are our home’s very first impression on buyers, and we only have a matter of seconds to grab their attention, so it’s always a good idea to put our very best foot forward to make the very best impression!
Main listing / main photos
If the buyer does indeed click through to the main listing to take a closer look at our home, then we have successfully grabbed their attention over most competing properties in their search results. Our aim now is to encourage the buyer to want to take the next step, i.e. to make an enquiry and book a viewing.
The main listing’s photo gallery is one of the essential ingredients (along with the price, description, and video) that encourage buyers to want to take that next step.
The main listing is our chance to visually showcase our home in its full glory! And so, the photo gallery should be led with the best photos. As a rule of thumb, there should be at least five photos, or ideally 20+ photos in the gallery, to give buyers as much of an idea as possible as to what our home looks like and the features that it offers, prior to stepping foot inside!
Property alerts
Our home may be brought to the buyer’s attention via a property alert, as property portals send out alerts to registered buyers whenever a new property on the market fits their search criteria.
The same tips and recommendations discussed also apply to property alerts, particularly as our home may appear to the buyer along with other properties fitting their criteria within the same alert. So again, we’d need to present eye-catching and attention-grabbing photos that are compelling for the buyer to want to click through over the competing properties!
The shots of our home we should be showcasing
The key shots of our home
Here is a gallery of the recommended key shots that we should be showcasing in order to show off the very best that our home has to offer!
Recommended additional shots of our home
Here is also a gallery of the recommended additional shots that we can showcase if our home indeed has these features!
If our home especially has exceptional views and/or local features, such as parks, rivers, churches, amenities, transportation links, schools, or monuments etc - these are selling points that will likely be of great interest to buyers. After all, buyers value location and convenience, both of which are major considerations that influence their buying decision as much as the property itself!
Shots to showcase our home’s design, aesthetics, features or details
If our home has a striking architectural design or striking aesthetics, features or details, these can certainly serve as additional selling points that ought to be captured in shots. For example, photos that showcase high ceilings, a striking staircase design, beautiful interior design, a designer kitchen and/or bathroom, a landscaped garden, or solid workmanship etc, conveys the style and character, and even uniqueness of the property, making for eye-catching and attention-grabbing imagery!
Composition of the shots
Regarding the composition of the shots, i.e. how the shots should be arranged; here are six recommended compositions that we should aim for to make the shots and our home as appealing as possible.
If our home does indeed have a striking architectural design or striking aesthetics, features or details, then the compositions should make use of the best angles, along with the best wide shots and close-ups, to create a visual narrative of, as well as to accentuate, their style and character!
Maximising the ‘wow’ factor
Ultimately, we want to maximise the ‘wow’ factor with our shots - to make buyers feel excited about wanting to come view our home!
Additional ideas for shots to facilitate the ‘wow’ factor
Here are a couple of additional ideas for shots that we may want to consider, particularly for front exterior shots, that would facilitate the ‘wow’ factor!
Blue sky photography
A photo of the home underneath the backdrop of bright blue skies can bring the photo, as well as the property itself, to life!
Blue skies can lend the photo and the home some vividness and vibrancy, making it pop off the screen and ‘wowing’ buyers that see it!
The imagery of a home underneath blue skies on a sunny day can make one feel positive and uplifted - which are compelling feelings that would make buyers excited about the property!
Blue skies can make people think of holidays, summer time, and ice cream in the garden etc - all good things to associate with a new home!
Understandably, it can be quite the challenge waiting for the perfect weather to take these types of shots. Thankfully, blue skies can be edited into the shots after they’re taken so we don’t have to wait. If you want to know more about editing blue skies into your shots, click here to get in touch with me.
Dusk photography
Dusk photography can quite literally, show off a home in a different light!
The warm glow of artificial lighting illuminating the home underneath the backdrop of a warm twilight sky can lend both the photo and the property a feeling of warm ambience; evoking the feeling of warmth, comfort and relaxation - things that buyers are likely looking for in their next home!
Dusk photography, more commonly associated with the marketing of luxury or higher-end properties, can enhance the aesthetic and appeal of any property, captivating the buyers’ attention and their imagination over competing properties that are more conventionally shot!
Very few property listings utilise dusk photography, so the ones that do easily stand out from the crowd, even at a glance!
Understandably, it can be quite the challenge waiting for the perfect time and weather to take these types of shots. Thankfully, dusk and lighting can be edited into the shots after they’re taken so we don’t have to wait. If you want to know more about editing dusk photography into your shots, click here to get in touch with me.
Clean and minimalist shots
As a general rule, keeping the shots clean and minimalist is the best way to showcase our home, because we want to make the property the main (and only) focus of the shots, with no obstacles, obstructions or distractions taking away from its natural appeal!
Keeping the shots clean and minimalist also gives buyers a sense of space and allows them to visualise where and how they can add their own style, flair and personality to the property!
Preparing our home for clean and minimalist shots
The following are some general recommendations for preparing our home to be in showcase condition, particularly for clean and minimalist shots.
Indoor clutter - remove clutter from every room; for example, left out clothes and washing, loose plates, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, bins, toiletries, toys, tools, personal belongings or accessories etc. However, if the belongings or accessories add to the home’s style, aesthetic or character, then this may be kept in; for example, (non-seasonal) decoration or artwork.
Doors, curtains and blinds - open all internal doors, draw back the curtains and open the blinds to maximise the natural light in the home. Allowing natural light to flow into the rooms bathes the interiors with a soft glow, enhancing the sense of warmth in the home!
Windows - ensure that all of the windows are clean, and ideally sparkling!
Rooms - ensure that all of the rooms are clean, including the facilities, surfaces, floors and carpets.
Lights - as well as allowing natural light in the home, turn on every artificial light to further brighten up the home and to help the photos come out looking clear and vibrant!
Cars/vehicles and bins - move away cars/vehicles and bins, as they will obstruct and distract from the focus and appeal of the home’s front exterior.
Outdoor clutter - remove skips, rubbish, debris, toys, tools, and other bits of outdoor clutter.
Garden - ensure that the grass is nicely cut and that weeds and loose leaves etc are removed. Outdoor furniture should be cleaned or removed. Ornaments may be kept if they add to the garden’s style, aesthetic or character.
We can see from the before and after photos below that the appeal of the properties are much improved once the obstacles, obstructions, distractions, and clutter are removed.
Photo quality and format
It goes without saying that the photos need to be sharp and in the correct format for the property portal that they’re uploaded to. Our shots can look astounding and exceptional - but if the images aren’t sharp enough or not in the correct format, then they can look unappealing and unprofessional and off-putting to buyers!
Rightmove recommends the photo format to be in landscape, with the optimum pixel size as 1024px wide x 683px high.
Zoopla recommends the photo format to be in landscape, with the optimum pixel size as 1024px wide x 768px high.
Property photography summary
Essentially, property photography from a marketing perspective is about:
The photos we lead with
The number of photos we showcase
The quality of the shots
Our job is to ensure that we optimise each and every one of these elements in order to capture the strongest buyer attention, interest and engagement, and ultimately maximise our chances of selling our home for the best price!
Getting in touch with me
If you would like to discuss with me about the property photography of your home, click here to get in touch with me and let’s have a discussion!
Although photos are very effective, photos alone aren’t necessarily enough. Come join me in the next section, where I cover another essential ingredient of a property listing - the property description.
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Credit goes to Elements Property and Rightmove for the images used in this section