Final Thoughts On Pricing


In this section, I would like to cap off my discussion on pricing with a few final thoughts.

Our listed price should be about encouraging strong buyer engagement

Pricing one’s home correctly is a balancing act between being able to encourage the strongest buyer engagement, with being able to achieve the very best price!

Although a property listing is indeed a sales/marketing tool, it is certainly not a sales closing tool, meaning that the listed price does not have to mean the final price.

Remember, a property listing’s one and only job is to simply encourage buyer engagement and attract buyers through the door - not to sell the property itself! The selling and negotiating only begins once the buyers are through the door - this is when we have the chance to achieve the best price, not before!

Our listing therefore needs to be focused on encouraging the strongest buyer engagement for our home, in particular, captivating as many of the right type of buyers as possible (i.e. our likely buyer pool), so that we have as many of those buyers as possible to negotiate with!

Since the listed price does not have to mean the final price, it is not necessary to list our home at (or close to) fair or market price, but rather more necessary to list it at an attractive/saleable price to encourage the strongest buyer engagement for our home!

Otherwise, if we choose to list our home at a less attractive/saleable price (including at fair or market price, but especially at above the market price); then we’re more likely to attract fewer buyers through the door, meaning fewer buyers to negotiate with, making achieving the best price difficult!

Our listed price can influence our bargaining position / negotiating power

It’s also worth pointing out that, if we choose to overprice our home or even price it at fair or market value from the outset, then the only direction we can expect to go when negotiating the price with buyers, is down!

On the other hand, if we choose to price our home in such a way that encourages strong buyer engagement, then we create a strong bargaining position for ourselves to be able to negotiate the price up!

Ultimately, our property listing is the gateway to our home, and our job is to ensure that the gateway is accessible to the right type of buyers, as the means to be able to achieve the very best price for our home!

Getting in touch with me

If you would like to discuss with me on any points regarding pricing, or if you need help or have any questions in general, click here to get in touch with me.

Over the next sections, I cover the other key elements of a property listing, starting with the property photography.

And so, I invite you to join me in the next section, where I discuss property photography in more detail.

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